Newsy news!!!

Good Monday morning to all!

I've been meaning to do a long I'm back after a long break kinda post but naaah! Instead here's a highlight of things happening

1. We moved in August to Washington state, said bye to my sister, her brand new squishable twins :), and a whole bunch of family after being away from Hubster for nine months.

2. We LOVE how gorgeous it is here, we found a really lovely home to rent and continue to reassure ourselves that we'll decide we're staying or not an year or two later. Texas does have a lot of things to draw us back - the aforementioned twins, our own house, family, friends.

3. I've been working on some things behind the scenes.

4. The most exciting - a newsletter exclusive serial that I'm about to start in the month of November. It's a different direction from the escapist fantasy that Harlequin Presents are, but the emotion, the three dimensional characters, the romance - it's all there. I even have a cover that I can't wait to show you guys.

5. So, please, if you haven't yet, sign up to my newsletter on the top right hand side on this page.

6. I'm also playing with the idea of a reader group - for not just my books or a street team, but a place where us all women (and the stray man :)) can come together to discuss books, heroes, life in general. Still not sure, but we'll see.